10 Essential Clothing for Newborn

If you’re pregnant or have recently had a baby, you may be wondering what you really need for your newborn in the way of clothes. We’re here to help you narrow it down. Since newborns spend so much of their time eating and sleeping, you don’t have to buy much. If it’s your first, you’ll probably get most of the essentials at your baby shower. But for those new moms or moms-to-be who need some guidance, here are 10 must-have newborn clothes worth buying.
Rompers - Babies can live in rompers right from the start at least until they’re 18 months-2 years old. They cover the belly and prevent curious hands from picking apart diapers. Stock up and make sure you have a good selection of sizes. They are just the perfect outfit for little babies and give them the freedom to explore a brand new world around them.
Receiving Blankets - Moms and dads should have a few receiving blankets for swaddling their little one during naps and nighttime. These cozy blankets are usually made with thin, soft flannel. If the weather is chilly, also have some heavier blankets like these for outdoor walks and car trips.
Booties or Socks - Their little tootsies get cold, especially in the first few months after they’re born when their circulation system is still developing. Make sure you have plenty of socks to keep those adorable baby feet warm.
Bibs - Newborns are notorious for spitting up — a lot. And when they’re not spitting up, they’re drooling. Protect all those cute clothes with plenty of soft, cloth bibs.
Pajamas - Your newborn will need something to wear with all those rompers, so make sure you have plenty of those teeny, tiny pull-on pants. They’re versatile and comfy and you’ll get a lot of use out of them.
Tie-Sides - Enables easy changing for parents. Cool and comfortable for baby! Perfect for daily wear.
Sleepers/Frogsuits - These newborn must-haves are perfect for nighttime, and they’re also ideal as all-around travel clothes. There are few things as cute as a baby in a frogsuit!
Bonnets - Whether your baby is born in the warm weather or cold, you’ll need a hat — a sun hat if it’s spring or summer and a soft, knit winter hat if it’s fall, winter or at least one for each season that your newborn can wear.
Jacket - No matter what season you give birth in, you’ll need a jacket or coat for your baby eventually. Just one really good, versatile one will do (until he grows out of it, of course).
Mittens - This may not seem like something you’ll need, but believe me, you will — either for when it gets chilly outside or for preventing your newborn from scratching herself with those sharp nails of hers. Get a couple of pairs at least — they’re easy to lose.
10 Must Have Newborn Clothes
Article by Parent Diviner, a very creative and loving parent